Through the power of music to lay the foundations for lifelong learning and to ensure the physical, cognitive, linguistic, spiritual and moral, social, emotional and creative development of children. Thanks to the music and the game in the process of pedagogical interaction we provide equal chance for each child when he is in school.
To turn our kindergarten into an attractive and desirable educational environment for quality pre-school education, where the child feels happy, protected, understood, supported and loved through music and games Their opportunity to unleash its personal potential
It is a modern institution for Quality Pre-school education, preserving the Bulgarian educational traditions and providing modern conditions for personal development. It is professionally prepared by teachers’ space for communication, play, knowledge, and creativity where children have a chance for individual progress and cultural prosperity.
- For the intercultural environment in "NEMO" The language of music is universal and understandable for everyonef the children and developing a life-long learning aptitude.
- Music Art allows children to interpret the world in their own way and to develop their originality, creativity and innovativeness.
- Through Music We improve the physical development of the child. Musical games and dances as part of our daily life make the movements of children more organized, more vibrant, more harmonious, more plastic and more emotional.
- The Proximity to musical instruments forms in the child learning skills, communication skills, cognitive skills and disciplinary skills.
- Music education plays an important role in the development of speech in preschool age. This is a period during which singing and speaking are intertwined and depend on each other.
- We Believe that every child has the ability to perceive, play and create music and we strive to help in the development and progress of this potential.
- We work actively with the Sofia Opera and ballet, Fortissimo Family, Capital Puppet Theatre and other cultural institutions for the musical enrichment children.
- Every Day we apply innovative and technological models of education in which through music we provide socialization of children and an attitude to lifelong learning.
- We have Built a specific organizational culture based on dedication to the overall purpose and competence of the pedagogical team.
- We Provide a dynamically changing object environment that enables autonomy and creativity.
- We Conduct purposeful activities of morality and culture of behavior – etiquette.
- We associate with human and national values through traditional rituals, festivals and entertainment
- We Provide healthy lifestyle: optimized motor mode; Traditional and non-traditional hardening procedures; Health culture; Culture of nutrition and hygienic behavior.
- We Organize periodic outings in the mountains, ski school, Summer camps, green Kindergarten, change of ecological environment.